Training & Staff Development
Trains lifeguarding instructor candidates to teach American Red Cross Lifeguarding, Lifeguarding Blended Learning, Shallow Water Lifeguarding, Aquatic Attraction Lifeguarding, Waterpark Skills, CPR/AED for Professional Rescuers and Bloodborne Pathogens Training. Note: To teach Waterfront Skills, Lifeguarding instructors must possess a basic-level Waterfront Skills certificate Prerequisites: Minimum age: 17 years, Possess a current Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED, An equivalent certificate from another organization, Complete the Online Session for the Lifeguarding Instructor course and complete the precourse session.
The Lifeguarding Participant and Instructors Manual are required for this class. The materials can be purchased from the Red Cross or downloaded.
Course Payment Information
Registration for Instructor Level Courses will require a $200.00 non-refundable deposit to secure your registration. While this fee is non-refundable, it is transferable to another Instructor Level Course providing a 7 day written notice is given.
7 days or more 100% Transferable
4 to 6 days 50% Transferable
Less than 3 days 25% Transferable
Day of or No Show 0% Transferable
Information will be sent with confirmation on how to pay for course. Instructor Course Fee is discountable by $25.00 if paid more than 2 weeks prior to the start date.

Available Courses
Register using the form below.
Confirmation and further information will be sent to the email provided.
Acceptable Payment:
Cash, Check, Credit Card
Venmo - john@lyfgrd4u
Course ID Location Course Fee
Lifeguard Instructor
LGI (2406) Overlee Community Pool, Arlington Va $375.00 Outdoor Pool
June Monday June, 24 8 AM toNoon Tuesday & Wednesday June 25 & 26 8 AM to 4 PM
LGI (2407) Strausburg P & R, Strausburg VA $375.00 Indoor Pool
July Saturday & Sunday April,11 & 12 8 AM to 5 PM
LGI (2408) Location TBD $375.00 Indoor Pool
August Saturday & Sunday April,11 & 12 8 AM to 5 PM
LGI (2409) Overlee Community Pool, Arlington Va $375.00 Outdoor Pool
September Tuesday & Wednesday September 3 & 4 8 AM to 5 PM
LGI (2410) Location TBD $375.00 Indoor Pool
October Saturday & Sunday October 12 & 13 8 AM to 5 PM
LGI (2411) Massad Family YMCA $375.00 Indoor Pool
November Saturday & Sunday November 9 & 10 8 AM to 5 PM
LGI (2412) Vint Hill Pool, Warrentonn $375.00 Indoor Pool
December Thursday & Friday December 26 & 27 8 AM to 5 PM
North Carolina
LGI (2424) Orange County Sportsplex $300..00 Indoor Pool
September Friday September 12 PM to 5PM
Sturday & Sunday September 9 AM to 5 PM
Instructor/Trainer Review
North Carolina
LGI (2424) Orange County Sportsplex $300..00 Indoor Pool
April Friday April 12 12 PM to 5 PM
Sturday & Sunday April 13 & 14 Times TBD